Our Approach
The ongoing desire to achieve performance improvement through people engagement is a key drive for us. We truly believe that having a meaningful interaction with people far outweighs any amount of carrot or stick

Our Story
A background in sales covering media, cars and recruitment followed by people management. Here a natural affinity for people development took us into the learning and development world
A deep and broad experience within people development and a strong coaching style allows us to create a robust working relationship with clients that delivers their goals in a people centred way

Our Expertise
Sales and Sales Management since 1993 and working within learning and development in FMCG and distribution environments since 2003
Accredited MBTI, Change Management, Mind Gym and 7 Habits practitioners
Responsible for change capability programme across 5 year change programme
Developed management level core skills programme for first line managers
Next Steps...
To request a meeting or to discuss your business development needs click here to complete an enquiry form or email [email protected]
We look forward to hearing from you